Bradley Deane teaches Introduction to Literature, British Literature Survey II, Critical Approaches to Literature, and upper-level courses in literature of the long nineteenth century. He serves as the Honors Program director and teaches the interdisciplinary gateway course for the program.
“Brad is acknowledged by students and colleagues as a dynamic, innovative, challenging and effective teacher,” says Cheryl Contant, vice chancellor for academic affairs and dean. “In the nomination statement for this award, Brad was described as a ‘great example and leader’ and a teacher who engages, challenges and pushes his students.”
Reflects Deane: “I encourage students to get out of the habit of regarding classic literature on such a high pedestal, as if it descended from the heavens instead of having emerged from the great social and cultural debates of the days in which it was written. Students are already shrewd critics of the movies and TV shows with which they’re familiar, and they can bring the same critical intelligence to bear on a great novel, play or poem.”
He continues: “Morris students are very sincere, earnest, engaged and active in their own learning. At a previous job, I encountered students who were very successful and goal-oriented, driven, but were concentrating primarily on 'what does it take to get an A.' Morris students are engaged by ideas. Morris has a culture that’s dedicated to teaching and preparing students for the world and for specific jobs. Students leave Morris knowing how to think critically and generate their own ideas.”
Deane holds a doctorate and master of arts in English from Northwestern University and received a bachelor of arts in English from the University of Michigan. He writes on a variety of topics, including a recent work in progress, "The Monkey in the House: Commodities and the Subversive Fetish in Late Victorian Imperial Romance." He is a member of the Modern Language Association, Sigma Tau Delta, and the North American Victorian Studies Association.
(From the 2009 news story)