The University of Minnesota Morris Alumni Association (UMMAA) provides connections and services for Morris alumni and friends. The UMMAA is a non-dues-paying organization that keeps you connected, informed, and in-touch.
The University of Minnesota Morris Alumni Association strives to develop connections among alumni and students and to strengthen their commitment to UMM.
To serve alumni, students, and the campus, the University of Minnesota Morris Alumni Association:
- fosters communication and relationships among alumni, students, faculty and staff
- develops alumni contributions of volunteer and financial support
- nurtures the unique educational experience of UMM by directing alumni gifts to various needs of students, faculty and UMM
The University of Minnesota Morris has a strong institutional commitment to the principle of diversity in all areas. This philosophy is shared by the UMM Alumni Association. In that spirit, we are particularly interested in recognizing the broad spectrum of people in our alumni body and creating an inclusive environment, especially with respect to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation.
Revised February 7, 2002