Gwen Rudney

Associate Professor, Elementary Education
Award Year
PhD, University of California Riverside
MS, University of California Riverside
BS, University of California Riverside

Gwen Rudney earned teaching certification, a bachelor of science, a master of science, and a doctorate from the University of California, Riverside. She joined the UMM faculty in 1991. “Morris was the only interview where students were clearly involved and active in the entire interview process,” remembers Rudney. “That was very important to me."

Rudney expressed gratitude for receiving the award. "To have other people choose me, it’s indescribable. It’s exciting because teaching is so important to me. To be honored for it is amazing.”

In addition to teaching responsibilities, Rudney serves on a committee that coordinates the elementary education program. Her research involves multicultural education, student teacher mentoring, and parent-teacher relationships. She authored Maximum Mentoring: An Action Guide for Teacher Trainers and Cooperating Teachers, published in 2003, and is currently writing a second book. Rudney serves her profession as chair of the selection panel for the Minnesota Teacher of the Year.

Rudney is proud to teach her students the skills they will use to teach their own students one day, and says, “All students deserve good teachers.”

(From the 2004 news story)

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Gwen Rudney