Holly Gruntner graduated from UMN Morris in 2013 with a degree in English and history and having completed the Honors Program. Like most UMN Morris students, she wore many hats while attending, including serving on MCSA; working at the Information Desk/Higbies, in the Social Science Division Office, at the University Register, and in the Writing Center; studying abroad in Salzburg, Austria; and playing a variety of intramural sports. Gruntner received the Curtis H. Larson Award, the Allen W. Edson Award, and the Outstanding English Major Award upon graduating.
Following her time at UMN Morris, she worked at the Library of Congress for three years. She is currently a PhD candidate at William & Mary, finishing a dissertation on early American history. She lives in Philadelphia with her fiancé Jim. She enjoys reading, playing tennis, cooking, and took up birding as her (enduring) pandemic hobby.