Teresa Luckow Peterson '91 has worked to revitalize the native language and lifeways of the Dakota people. An educator and tribal leader, Peterson has supported a number of Indigenous communities.
Peterson serves the Upper Sioux Community as tribal planner. She holds a BA in liberal arts for the human services from Morris as well as an MS in education from Southwest State University and an EdD from the University of Minnesota Duluth. She has earned numerous honors, including the Native Governance Center Native Nation Rebuilder, American Association of Colleges & Teacher Education Holmes Scholar, Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community Endowed Scholar, Bush Leadership Fellowship, Minnesota Indian Education Association Tribal Official of the Year, and Southwest State University Ethel Curry Scholar. She also spent 10 years on Morris's American Indian Advisory Committee.
"Teresa is highly regarded by people in the Dakota community, the broader Native American community, and the general mainstream community," writes Peters. "I have witnessed how she builds positive coalitions wherever she goes. She believes we all have abilities we can contribute to our communities and to one another."